Padre Trails Logo

Padre Trails Camera Club has been active on the Monterey Peninsula since 1948. Our meetings are free and open to the public and involve image and technique sharing, informational programs and friendly monthly competition. Beginner or experienced, if your goal is to create more compelling images, Padre Trails can help.

The technology used to create striking photographic images has changed massively since 1948 but the sharing community of photographers has remained constant. PTCC strives to nurture that community through a relaxed meeting atmosphere, print and projected image sharing and discussion, professional critiques and group outings.

Learning more: Using the MENU tab in the upper righthand corner, explore our galleries, calendar, award-winning newsletter, Bits & Pixels and PTCC’s history and organization. Visit “Membership” to see how easy it is to become part of PTCC. A special “Member Resources” section is full of help for our members in a variety of categories.


Upcoming Events

Meetings - We have started a transition to a hybrid meeting system where in-person physical meetings will occur on the first Wednesdays of the month and Zoom virtual meetings will be held on the third Wednesdays of the month. The format of the meetings may change as we become more adapted to the technical issues that may be involved. Check the on line monthly club calendar to get the most recent information on in-person and virtual meetings:
Monthly Calendar

  • Returns of our most recent Pictorial Competition (Night Photography) held on - 02/19/25

  • Month of February - Sand City Scavenger Hunt>

  • Saturday 03/01/25 - Last day to turn in Sand City Scavenger hunt photos and Library Exhibit Catalog info

  • Wednesday 03/05/26 - Club meeting at MOW Community Center

  • Wednesday 03/19/25 - Club meeting via Zoom - Returns of Nature competition (Macros) and all Library Exhibit photos must br ready to hang -  

  • Friday 03/30/25 - Last Day to submit Pictorial #3 - Environmental Portrait

  • Wednesday 03/05/26 - Club meeting at MOW Community Center

  • Click to View our latest Bits & Pixels newsletter

  • Images of the Year



    Click to See all Winning Photos of our last Competition - Pictorial 2 - Night Photography

    Group Blue - Winning Image

    "The Two Body Problem"
    Bill Brown

    Group Green - Winning Image

    "The Stroll"
    Sandi McCafferty

    Group Red - Winning Image

    "French Man Cooking"
    Dick Light
