2022 Pictorial #2 Competition - Reflections
Winning Images - Blue Group

Returns: January 19, 2022
Judged by Craig Mohr
Read Judge's Comments

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First Place Blue Group

"Good Morning Lockheed L12A Electra Jr"
John Avera

2nd Place Blue Group

"Morning reflections on the water"
Margret Cordts

3rd Place Blue Group

"Lily Pond"
Jerry Heisel

Honorable Mention - Blue Group

"Lesser Yellowlegs with reflection, Kirby Park"
Kent Van Vuren

Honorable Mention - Blue Group

"Half Dome And Reflection In Winters Grasp"
Jeff Hobbs

Honorable Mention - Blue Group

"Sunset at Asilomar State Beach"
Carol Silveira



Competition judged by: Craig Mohr