2022 Man's Hand in Nature Competition
Winning Images - Blue Group

Returns: March 16, 2022
Judged by Doug Steakley
Read Judge's Comments

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First Place Blue Group

"Great Blue Heron lands on Sculture - Palo Corona Park"
Dennis Guiffre

2nd Place Blue Group

"Red-shouldered Hawk on Post - Kirby Landing"
Kent Van Vuren

3rd Place Blue Group

"Western Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma californica) with Reflection of House in Eye"
Chris Johnson

Honorable Mention - Blue Group

"Asilomar Boardwalk"
Carol Silviera

Honorable Mention - Blue Group

"Lewis"s Woodpecker"
Jeff Hobbs

Honorable Mention - Blue Group

"Loggerhead Shrike"
Jeff Hobbs

Competition judged by: Doug Steakley