2022 Creative - Fine Arts Competition
Winning Images - Blue Group

Returns: February 16, 2022
Judged by Tracy Valleau
Read Judge's Comments

See other Winning Images

First Place Blue Group

"Boogieboarding at Sunset"
Chris Johnson

2nd Place Blue Group

"Open to New Adventures"
Carol Silveira

3rd Place Blue Group

"Black-legged Kittiwake on water, Alaska"
Kent Van Vuren

Honorable Mention - Blue Group

"2 Flashlights - 3 Gels - 14 Seconds"
John Avera

Honorable Mention - Blue Group

"The stillness of water and a leaf floating on water"
Margret Cordts

Honorable Mention - Blue Group

"Withered Sunflower"
Mary Ann Avera


Honorable Mention - Blue Group

"Yellow, Red, White Onions"
Jerry Heisel

Competition judged by: Tracy Valleau