2022 Nature #4 Competition (Shore Birds and Wading Birds)
Winning Images - Red Group

Returns: August 17, 2022
Judged by A. Bender
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First Place Red Group

“Marbled Godwit (L. fedoa)”
Frank Penner

2nd Place Red Group

"Western willett (Tringa semipalmata inornata) stepping out"
Ken Jones

3rd Place Red Group

"Sanderling Calidris alba"
Fernando Ibanez

Honorable Mention - Red Group

"Nonbreeding Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) digging deep for food"
Ken Jones

Honorable Mention - Red Group

"Surfbird (C. virgata)"
Frank Penner

Honorable Mention - Red Group

"A Pair of Night Herons"
Jerry Loomis

Competition judged by: Alyce Bender