2021 Nature #3 Competition - Human Hand in Nature
Winning Images - Red Group

Returns: May 19, 2021
Judged by Doug Davlin
Read Judge's Comments

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First Place Red Group

"Fields in Spring"
Nicole Asselborn

2nd Place Red Group

"Soda Lake salt imprint of woman's hand",
Nicole Asselborn

3rd Place Red Group

"Kahn Ranch Trail"
Elke Ikeda

Honorable Mention - Red Group

"Gulls Above Ship Masts, Moss Landing"
Kent Van Vuren

Honorable Mention - Red Group

"Tree Face Imagined"
Frank Penner

Honorable Mention - Red Group

"Human impact to Elkhorn Slough"
Jared Ikeda

Honorable Mention - Red Group

"Cave Paintings in Baja California"
Janet Azevedo

Honorable Mention - Red Group

"Fence's Edge"
Frank Penner

Honorable Mention - Red Group

"Aerial photo of El Centro, CA"
Kent Van Vuren

"Vandalized Petrographs on Red Rock Wall at Capitol Reef NP"
Rick Verbanec

Competition judged by: Doug Davlin