2021 Nature #1 Winning Images - Group Green

Returns: November 18, 2020
Judged by Dolores Frank
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First Place Group Green

“California brown pelican in flight (Pelecanus occidentalis californicus)”
Ken Jones

2nd Place Group Green

“Male Snowy Egret (Egretta thula) in mating stance”
Jerry Gifford

3rd Place Group Green

“Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna)”
John Drum

Honorable Mention - Group Green

“Bison and calf, Yellowstone”
Joni Zabala

Honorable Mention - Group Green

“Northern Flicker Takes Flight-Palo Corona Park June 15 2020”
Dennis Giuffre

Honorable Mention - Group Green


"Osprey on the Hunt, Moss Landing - Sept 5 2020"
Dennis Giuffre

Competition judged by: Dolores Frank