2020 Pictorial 2- Machinery, Winning Images - Group A (Advanced)

Returns: Feb 19, 2020
Judged by Robin Winfield
Read Judge's Comments

See other Winning Images

First Place Group A

(Advanced Group)

“Time Machines”
Judi Clayton

2nd Place Group A

(Advanced Group)

“Farm Equipment”
Bill Shewchuk

3rd Place Group A

(Advanced Group)

“Coal Conveyor Bins”
Jared Ikeda

Honorable Mention - Group A

(Advanced Group)

“Busted, Rusted”
Jerry Heisel

Honorable Mention - Group A

(Advanced Group)

“Machine from the Past”
Carol Fuessenich

Honorable Mention - Group A

(Advanced Group}


"Tractor in the Salad Bowl of the World"
Chris Johnson

Competition judged by: Robin Winfield