2019 Travel Competition
Winning Images - Group A (Advanced)

Returns: September 18, 2019
Judged by Gary Geiger
Read Judge's Comments

See other Winning Images

First Place Group A

(Advanced Group)

“North Pierhead Lighthouse, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin”
Bill Shewchuk

2nd Place Group A

(Advanced Group)

"Brazil by way of Seaside California"
Bill Brown

3rd Place Group A

(Advanced Group)

"White Faced Capuchin Monkey, Costa Rica"
Jeff Hobbs

Honorable Mention - Group A

(Advanced Group)

" Bar W Wranglers"
Jeff Hobbs

Honorable Mention - Group A

(Advanced Group)

"Cape Henry Lighthouse, Virginia Beach, Virginia"
Bill Shewchuk

Honorable Mention - Group A

(Advanced Group}

"Cadillac Ranch, Amarillo, Texas"
Bill Shewchuk

Honorable Mention - Group A

(Advanced Group)

" Yellow Dancer"
Lillie Grossman

Honorable Mention - Group A

(Advanced Group)

" A Snowy Day in Tromso, Norway"
Chris Johnson

Honorable Mention - Group A

(Advanced Group}

"Inside the Eiffel Tower, Paris"
Brooks Leffler

Honorable Mention - Group A

(Advanced Group)

"Seattle WA - Piers, Water and Clouds at Night"
Margret Cordts

Competition judged by: Gary Geiger