2018 Creative - Winning Images - Group A (Advanced)

Returns: June 20, 2018
Judged by Kevin Bransfield

See other Winning Images

First Place Group A

(Advanced Group)

"Spoon Reflections"
Chris Johnson

Second Place Group A

(Advanced Group)

“ The Flowing Patterns of Golden Kelp”
Margret Cordts

Third Place Group A

(Advanced Group)

"Redwoods and Tall Grass"
Chris Johnson

Honorable Mention

(Advanced Group)

"Starry Starry Night for Young Possum"
Jim Lambert

Honorable Mention

(Advanced Group)

"Prairie Life #1"
Janet Beaty

Honorable Mention

(Advanced Group)

  "Vulcan the God of Fire"
John Avera




Competition judged by:Kevin Bransfield