2018 Black & White 2 ( Architecture) - Winning Images - Group AAA (Developing)

Returns: May 16, 2018
Judged by Huntington Witherill

See other Winning Images

First Place Group AAA

(Developing Group)

"The White Building, Phnom Penh, Cambodia - no longer standing"
Bruce McInnis

Second Place Group AAA

(Developing Group)

“ Bruin Theater”
Jim Summers

Third Place Group AAA

(Developing Group)

"Art Deco Interior of the Central Market, Phnom Penh, Cambodia"
Bruce McInnis

Honorable Mention

(Developing Group)

"Sierra Mar Restaurant Big Sur"
Dale Theis

Honorable Mention

(Developing Group)

"Courtyard Tree - Angkor Wat, Cambodia"
Barbara Ley

Honorable Mention

(Developing Group)

  "Mission Inn Riverside CA"
Dale Theis

Competition judged by:Huntington Witherill