Every year, the Club conducts a competitive field trip, usually to a unique local venue, in which they compete in twelve image subjects. This year Club members travelled to Wilder Ranch State Park, just north of Santa Cruz. This year's subjects were designed to showcase the old and new aspects of this historic site through individual interpretation of an eclectic list of subjects: architectural details, barnyard life, four legged horsepower, hand made beauty, hard working animals or machines, living on the edge of the land, retired equipment, fences, sea erosion, weathered wood, wheels, and photographer's choice. The participants enjoyed a picnic lunch together during the mid-day light.
Presented below are the winning shots by Subject, and overall for the event. Tthe Club has established a three-division competition. Group A - advanced photographers, Group AA - intermediate photographers, and Group AAA - beginning photographers and new members. This year's images were again judged by local professional photographic artist, Kirk Kennedy. Visit Kirk's Web site. Overall Event Winners by Group
Group: A View Larger
1st Place
"Photographer's Choice"
Carol Fussenich |
2nd Place
"Barnyard Life"
Peter Monteforte |
3rd Place
"Hand-made Beauty"
Ben Grasmuck |
Group: AA View Larger
1st Place
"Retired Equipment"
Chris Johnson |
2nd Place
Chris Johnson |
3rd Place
"Photographer's Choice"
Chris Johnson |
Group: AAA View Larger
1st Place
"Photographer's Choice"
Janet Beaty |
2nd Place
"Hand-made Beauty"
Elke Ikeda |
3rd Place
"Weathered Wood"
Carolyn Walter |
The twenty-four winning images for each competition division are displayed below. The individual
files are small but, because of their number, the first time this page is
opened on your computer it may take a few minutes to load completely. Please
be patient... we think you'll find it worth the wait.